Showing posts with label Formula. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Formula. Show all posts

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Converting an Excel date into PHP timestamp

I was recently asked by a customer to upload a large dataset extracted from their old Microsoft Office based database system into their shiny new web-based application (Built by the guys at Zypher).

The data included a lot of date fields which needed to be converted into UNIX timestamp to be used by the PHP based front-end.

We used the formula below to convert the dates, it assumes the date is in cell ‘A2’.


I hope it proves useful.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Calculate percentages with decimals in SQL?

Working with SQL Server recently I needed to calculate a percentage using values in other fields.  I went with the obvious field1 / field2 * 100 but got only a result of zero ?

After talking to everyone’s friend Google I came across the following stackover question and answer. It had the following answer:

      ( 100 * CONVERT(DECIMAL(5,2),[field1]) / CONVERT(DECIMAL(5,2),[field2]) )
) AS MyPercentAnswer

I hope it proves useful to you.

With thanks to those who answered the questions.