It is sometimes useful to know which version of Excel your user is using. An example of when this would be useful is knowing whether the user is in Excel 2007/2010 or and older version. Excel 2007 was the first release that allowed over 65535 rows and 255 columns. Excel 2007 has over 1 million rows (1048576) and 16384 columns.
This can make a big difference to what you can do with the data available to you. If your user is in Excel 2003 for example your code could crash if it attempts to copy too much data into the active workbook. The function below can be used within your code to confirm the Excel version, you can then call a different routine depending on it’s results.
' Procedure : ReturnExcelVersion
' Author : Matthew -
' Purpose : return a string value denoting the version of Excel
' Check the first two characters as Excel 97 has
' several different releases and patches
Select Case Left(Application.Version, 2)
ReturnExcelVersion = "2010"
Case Is = "12"
ReturnExcelVersion = "2007"
Case Is = "11"
ReturnExcelVersion = "2003"
Case Is = "10"
ReturnExcelVersion = "2002"
Case Is = "9."
ReturnExcelVersion = "2000"
Case Is = "8."
ReturnExcelVersion = "97"
Case Is = "7."
ReturnExcelVersion = "95"
Case Else
ReturnExcelVersion = "Unknown"
End Select
End Function
Excel 2010 is version 14. The version number 13 was skipped because of the aversion to the number 13. Another relevant link is XL97: Overview and History of Excel Patches.
You may also want to look into Application.OperatingSystem.
As always, if you have any questions do let us know via the comments section.