Saturday, 21 January 2012

Microsoft Excel 2010 and MSCOMCTL.OCX

Recently when working with Excel 2010 and certain userform controls some of my users have received the following error message:

"Component 'Mscomctl.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid"

Sometimes certain Microsoft Libraries can become unregistered when installing and uninstalling software. A common problem is the MSCOMCTL.OCX file.

If you receive the above error first search your drive for MSCOMCTL.OCX to see if you have the file. The file should be found in your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory or at C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 if you are using Windows XP.  If the file is missing you can download it from:

Once it is there click START -> RUN and type "REGSVR32 MSCOMCTL.OCX" (without quotes) into the box to register this control.

You should find this fixes the problem.

Also relevant:

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Lotus Notes Password Sync

If you are unlucky enough to work for a company that uses Lotus Notes you may, when starting Lotus Notes, receive the message:

"Your windows account password does not match your notes password. To synchronize passwords, use File->Tools->User ID and click Set Password" .

If you do not need to sync your password and this message is just another nuisance provided by Notes it can be stopped. I have found several “How To’s” that say you need to re-install Lotus Notes to remove the functionality. This is not the case.  It can be done by following the instructions below.

Close down Lotus Notes.

Windows 2000 users:

Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Component Services -> Services (Local) -> Lotus Notes Single Sign on.
Change the start-up type to disabled by selecting the line then right clicking on options. Stop the service by clicking on stop.
Restart Lotus Notes and you will be prompted for the user password normally.

Windows XP users:

Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Performance and Maintenance -> Administrative Tools -> Component Services -> Services (Local) -> Lotus Notes Single Sign on. 
Change the start-up type to disabled by selecting the line then right clicking on options. Stop the service by clicking on stop.
Restart Lotus Notes and you will be prompted for the user password normally.

Good luck and I hope this helps.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

It’s been a while

Hi, it’s been a while since anyone has gotten around to posting anything. 

We’ve been busy with some work for various clients but hope to post some articles in the coming weeks.  Our aim is to post at least two articles a month so if you have any questions do let us know.  You can contact us by leaving a comment under this post, or feel free to visit our main site at and use the contact us form.